Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Latest Purchase - Cottam

Cottam - Cottam 4 (Cottam)

I've heard it said that life is about priorities. If that's so then I guess my decisions about this record could be pretty telling.

This record came into rubadub the day before I got paid and I hardly had any money left. I had enough to buy 20 fags for the day and some dinner after work, or at least that is what I'd planned until I saw the e-mail telling me that this record was available. I actually took a half day from work to rush out to get this and made do with an empty belly and 10 fags.

My excitement about this record was so great that I wasn't prepared to even wait 24 hours until I'd been paid. This was down to the fact that I've been playing a different version of the A-side of this single that I downloaded from Cottam's soundcloud a while back so much that I was even messaging him to pester him to release it.

I think I've written before about how much I like Cottam, so the fact that I love this single should come as no surprise.  The A side is so good I can't stop playing it. The elements of this song are pretty simple, guitar loops plus a synth line combined with a small vocal sample and finally a few few acid tweaks, but they way they are put together and used to just keep raising the intensity of this track make me wish I still went out dancing just so I could lose my mind to this.

This isn't a mental or pounding record, it's just really great, really effective dance music. It still has the Cottam trademark detailed percussion programming and the tempo is only a bit higher than usual. Awesome stuff.

On the flip side we've got some swinging funky guitar loops with an electronic bass pulse intertwined with sirens and weird vocals. That maybe makes it sound a bit crazy, but the low tempo and subtle production resolves it all into a coherent smooth whole. While not as rocking as the A-side this grooves on sweetly for about 10 minutes in that distinctive Cottam style.

Listen to Side A 

Listen to Side B

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