Sunday, 7 November 2010

Latest Purchase - Visnadi

Visnadi - Four Journeys (UMM)

I picked this pretty ancient and flaky release up off Discogs the other day.  It has kind of been on my want list for a very long time, since I first heard it on a really old Slam Essential Mix, back around the time it was broadcast and sold as a double tape at the Arches nights.

This mix had a really big influence on my record buying and listening and was a mainstay for my friends and I for a while.  I heard it while I was still getting familiar with dance music and it showed a few really fruitful avenues of exploration in terms of artists and labels that were new to me. I've now bought the lion's share of the releases from this mix and there are even still a couple that I'm looking to get.

Despite a truly tragic introduction, I really like Transpassage.  It's impossible to tell if this is by association with my history with the track or if I'd think it was shit if I heard it for the first time today, but who cares.  I will say that the rest of the single is awful and I haven't really got anything good to say about it.  Discogs says that Transpassage was produced by someone different from the rest of the single and I reckon that may explain a lot.

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